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Chen's announcement of enlistment: "Secret admission on October 26th, active service"...EXO's Fourth

by ⛤ 2020. 10. 17.

Chen's announcement of enlistment: "Secret admission on October 26th, active service"...EXO's Fourth

Group EXO Chen will join the army on the 26th.

Chen personally informed fans of the news that he was joining the army on October 26 in a handwritten letter on the 16th.

He added, "I will do my best to greet you with more growth during my service, so I hope you stay as beautiful and healthy as you are now."

Chen's agency, SM Entertainment, told 닷 that he will serve in the field, and the location and time of Chen's admission will be closed to the public.

This makes Chen the fourth member of EXO to serve in the military, following Dio, Xiumin and Suho.

Chen shocked fans by simultaneously reporting on his marriage and premarital pregnancy on Jan. 13. The repercussions led to conflicts within the fandom, with some fans holding offline protests demanding Chen's withdrawal from the team.

In February, however, SM Entertainment put an end to the controversy by saying, "We had time to discuss with EXO members before officially announcing Chen's marriage, and all of EXO members have expressed their desire to stay together in the future as they have been suffering from the loss of their members."

Chen swept the charts in April last year by releasing his first solo album "April, and Flowers" in seven years since his debut, followed by his second mini-album "Dear My Love" in October to ensure his presence as a vocalist. On October 15, she greeted fans for the first time since she got married through her solo song "Hello."

EXO, the group to which Chen belongs, will focus on solo and unit activities.
